Medical Waste Disposal
Medical Waste Containers
Medical Waste Transport Service
Medical Waste Company
Medical Waste Regulations
Medical waste containers ensure proper segregation and labeling of medical waste. Infectious medical waste can include sharps, which with proper segregation from other medical waste, can be easily labeled by the generator at the point of generation (e.g., laboratory, patient exam rooms,...).
Infectious waste bags and sharps disposal containers are labeled to allow proper waste disposal, a simple and easy process that makes it safe for workers to dispose of medical waste products.
Sharps Containers
- Sharps disposal containers may be placed in the red bag waste container.
- Sharps containers will not be used for any other purpose than sharps disposal.
- Sharps containers will be:
- Puncture resistant
- Clearly marked with a biohazard symbol
- Within easy reach of the work station
- Filled to no more than ¾ capacity
- Sealed (i.e. capped or taped) prior to transport
- Puncture resistant
Red Earth Environmental is a medical waste disposal company in Oklahoma that understands the importance of hazardous waste to be disposed of correctly and safely. We can assist you in setting forth a system in place to help in not only segregation of medical waste, but also the handling and transport to disposal. As a professional waste disposal company in Oklahoma, we can make a difference, with stellar customer service, electronic tracking and 24-hour availability. Just think of us as your "full-time staff" for medical waste disposal in Oklahoma.